Amber Eyes Only

Welcome to Amber Eyes Only, a blog dedicated to reporting the
underground war between AMBER and TFT, I will endeavour to
bring you the truth, as I find it in the hope that we will be able to safeguard
our future. Forget everything you know about Genetically Modified Organisms,
Biotechnology and Biological Warfare, the Future is here already.

Thursday 8 November 2012

Thoughts before active duty

Things are getting more tense, a fellow agent has under taken his contact in Derby, although unharmed he was rather shaken by an unexpected contact with a suspected double agent going by the name Loz.
This particular agent is believed to be dangerous, subversive and probably involved with the abduction of Dr. Baxter, it is my aim to attempt to capture a better image of him should he attempt to make contact with me.  Time will tell if I am successful in this and further to that, whether or not I survive the contact unscathed.

0125030918 011309261416:

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21090922 16011109


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