Amber Eyes Only

Welcome to Amber Eyes Only, a blog dedicated to reporting the
underground war between AMBER and TFT, I will endeavour to
bring you the truth, as I find it in the hope that we will be able to safeguard
our future. Forget everything you know about Genetically Modified Organisms,
Biotechnology and Biological Warfare, the Future is here already.

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

The abduction and a few lecture slides

I managed to take a short video of Dr. Baxter's abduction, apologies for the poor quality, my phone's camera lens had fogged over in my pocket.  Also, I was a little shaken.  There are better videos out there.  As promised in my previous post, here are the slides from the now infamous lecture:

As you can see I only captured part of the lecture, more information is out there and Dr. Baxter was prevented from revealing the full extent of what he had uncovered during his research and time spent in the field investigating TFT and their activities.  TFT Biotech seems a good place to start if you want to know more, they have a military wing which I didn't realise.  I think this goes a lot deeper than people are willing to admit...

In a time of deceit, truth is a revolutionary act...

We are AMBER


  1. Thank you so much for posting this, Josh! I'm sure that I am just one of so many people out here just beginning to learn the truth that has clearly been hidden from us for so long.

    I just hope that I'm not the only one who tries to help you and your fellow agents find the doctor and the truth!

    wqwiuqwrd1318090114 22241614 0113092614 23091416 15242209 141509 08241807 16221809010716

  2. You're very welcome John, it's going to be a while before all this comes clear

    19241526, 1624181804 112418 16232408 1809222304. 19011001 160518172214 051722150918 1226121601032309. 1216172613 03182408160918 051722150918 262408. 23241416 1424 0501140515 1222 2426 11182425 1101050903242421

    15242209 1424 23121809 141114 17261424 1809162224261609 08171415 14151716 03232413. 2209181624260123 07091401172316 111705141724260123. 0125030918 1520 21262408 2504 18090123 26012509. 1711 0125030918 2418 141509 051722150918 0524252218242517160907 17 08172323 071716012222090118.

    21090922 16011109 0113092614.
